

来源: 在职研究生招生信息网 发布时间:2011-10-22 21:25:13

1. David's wife has been ___ a lot of pressure on him to change his job.

A. taking  B. exerting  C. giving  D. pushing

2. Mary, one of my best friends, says that her present job does not provide him with enough ____ for his organizing ability.

A. scope   B. space  C. capacity   D. range

3.A lot of _____ will be opened up in the near future for those with a university education.

A. probabilities   B. realities   C. necessities   D. opportunities

4.It is said that, at present, about 60,000 species become _____ every year.

A. extinct   B. instinct  C. distinct  D. intense

5.After the young man's uncle died, he _____ the beautiful estate with which he changed from a poor man to a wealthy noble.

A. inhabited  B. inherited   C. inhibited   D. inhaled

6. The manager is calling on a ______ customer trying to talk him into signing the contract.

A. prosperous   B. preliminary   C. pessimistic    D. prospective

7. In 1995, which the economies of industrialized countries met an economic ____, the economies of developing countries were growing very fast.

A. revival   B. repression   C. recession   D. recovery

8.The destruction of the twin towers _____ shock and anger throughout the world.

A. summoned   B. tempted       C. provoked     D. stumbled

9.His effort of decades began to          .He came to be well-known for his findings.

  A.pay off     B.die off     C.put off    D.break off

10.X-rays are also called Rontgen rays          the discoverer who first put them to use.

  A.in case of    B.in view of     C.in place of   D.in honor of

11.Telecommunication developments have enabled people to send messages       television,radio and electronic mail.

  A.via        B.amid      C.past     D.across

12.The philosophy class began with twenty students but three        after the midterm exam.

  A.picked up    B.turned out    C.dropped out   D.kept up

13.The following account by the author      the difference between European and American reactions.

A.illustrates    B.acquires,    C.demands    D.deletes

14.Long _____ to harmful pollutants is most likely to lead to a decline in health.

A.contact      B.touch        C.use     D.exposure

15._____ being fun and good exercise,swimming is a very useful skill.

A.Rather than   B.Apart from   C.Instead of    D.Owing to

16.Her husband is interested in designing electronic_____.

A.safety        B.management  C.routine           D.devices

17.Gestures are an important means to _____ messages.

A.study    B.convey    C.keep   D.exploit

18._____ preparations were being made for the Prime Minister's official visit to the four foreign countries.

A.E1aborate    B.Wise    C.Neutral D.Optional

19.This local evening paper has a _____ of twenty-five thousand.

A.contribution    B.number    C.celebration D.circulation

20.On the local market,_____ fruits and vegetables are now commonly sold.

A.enough    B.exotic    C.famous D.1imited


1. 答案:B. 大卫的妻子一直给他施加了很多压力让他换工作。

解析: 考点: 动词的搭配,四个选项只有B可以和pressure搭配。

2. 答案:A  Mary是我最好的朋友,她说她现在的工作不能给她提供发展自己组织能力的足够的发展空间。

解析:考点:近义词辨析。Scope: 范围,机会,常用于:scope for…=opportunity for, space:空间,间距,capacity:能力,容量,range: 范围,射程。

3. 答案: D. 在不久的将来,对于那些接受过大学教育的人来说将会有很多的机会。

解析:名词的词义辨析。Open up opportunities for: 对某人开放很多机会。Probability: 可能性, 或然性, 概率, reality: 真实, 事实, necessity: 必要性, 需要,必需品, opportunity: 机会, 时机.

4. 答案:A. 据说现在每年有大约60,000物种灭绝。

解析: extinct灭绝的, 耗尽的,instinct本能,distinct清楚的, 明显的, intense强烈的, 剧烈的。

5. 答案:B. 这个年轻人的叔叔去世以后,他继承了叔叔漂亮的种植园,从一个穷小子变成了一个富有的贵族。

解析:inhabit居住于, 存在于, inherit继承, 遗传而得,inhibit抑制, 约束, inhale吸入。

6. 答案:D  经理正在拜访一位潜在的顾客,试图说服他签署这份合同。

解析:prosperous繁荣的,preliminary预备的, 初步的,pessimistic悲观的, 厌世的,prospective


7.答案:C. 在1995年,尽管工业发达国家遇到了经济萧条,但发展中国家的经济却在快速地增长。

解析;revival苏醒, 复兴, 复活, repression镇压, 抑制, 抑压,recession撤回, 退回, recovery恢复, 痊愈。

8. 答案:C. 世贸大楼的毁灭引起了全世界的震惊和愤慨。

解析:summon召集, 召唤, 号召, tempt诱惑, 引诱, 吸引,  provoke额可挑动的,可煽动的, stumble绊倒, 使困惑, 蹒跚。

9.选A. 他几十年的努力开始有回报了,他因自己的发现而出名了。


10.选D. X射线也被称为Rontgen射线,是为了纪念它的发现者。

解析:A:如果(发生)。B:鉴于,考虑到,由于。C:取代。D:为了纪念,等于in memory Of。

11.选 A. 电信的发展使人们可以通过电视发送信息。

A;通过,经由。B:在……中,在……当中。C:经过   D:横跨。

12.选C. 哲学班开始有20个学生,但其中考试过后有3个学生退学了。

A:拾起,(非正规地)学会、学到,接人,染上。B:关,熄。Turn out to be结果是,原来是,看来。C:中途退出,辍学。D:保持,继续。

13.选A 作者下面的理由阐明了欧洲人和美国人反应的不同。

解析: illustrate阐明,acquire获得,demand要求, 需要, delete删除。

14.选 D 长时间暴露于有害的污染物很可能导致健康状况下降。


15.选B 游泳除了好玩,很好的体育运动之外还是一项很有用的技能。

解析:Rather than而不是,Apart from除了……以外,Instead of没有,取而代之,Owing to由于。

16.选D 她丈夫对于设计电子装置很感兴趣。

解析:safety安全, 保险, management管理,管理部门,routine路线,device装置,设备,器具。

17.选 B 手势是传达信息的重要手段。

解析:考点: 动词词义辨析。study 学习,convey传达,转达,传送,传递,keep 保持,exploit开发利用,剥削。

18.A 正在为首相的四国官方访问做精心的准备。

解析:E1aborate详细的,精细的Wise 聪明,Neutral中立的, Optional可选择的。

19.D 当地晚报有25,000份的发行量。

解析:contribution捐献, 贡献, number数, 数字, 数量, celebration庆祝, 庆典,circulation发行量,循环。

20.B 当地市场国外的水果蔬菜很普遍。

解析:要根据题干选择合适的词义。Enough:足够的, exotic外(国)来的,异国情调的,奇异的。famous :著名的,1imited有限的。
转自:<a href='http://www.yuloo.com/zzy/gongshuo/'>在职攻硕招生网</a>

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