

来源: 在职研究生招生信息网 发布时间:2011-10-22 21:23:06

  1. A man has to make ____ for his old age by putting aside enough money to live on when old.  

A.  supply          B. assurance            C. provision         D. adjustment   

  2.  It is well-known that the retired workers in our country are ____ free medical care.  

A.  entitled to       B. involved in         C. associated         D. assigned to    

  3.  The people of that country still live under ____ of war.  

A.     danger         B. stake             C. loss               D. threat  

  4.  I felt ____ to death because I could make nothing of the chairman's speech.  

A.  fatigued      B. tired        C. exhausted      D. bored  

  5.    Your advice would be ____ valuable to her who is in trouble now.  

A.     exceedingly        B. excessively      C. extensively      D. exclusively  

  6.    People ____ that vertical flight transports would carry millions of passengers as do the airliners of today.  

A.     convinced         B. anticipated          C. resolved           D. assured  

  7.    In spite of the wide range of reading material specially written or ____ for language learning  purposes, there is yet no comprehensive systematic program for the reading skills.  

A.     adapted         B. provided             C. assembled         D. appointed  

  8.    The mother said she would ____ her son washing the dishes if he could finish his assignment before supper.  

A.     let down        B. let alone             C. let off            D. let out  

  9.  We should always keep in mind that ____ decisions often lead to bitter regrets.  

A.   urgent          B. hasty                C. instant               D. prompt  

  10. John complained to the bookseller that there were several pages ____ in the dictionary.  

A.  missing         B. losing            C. dropping          D. leaking  

  11.  In the past, most foresters have been men, but today, the number of women ____ this field is climbing.  

A.  engaging        B. devoting             C. registering        D. pursuing  

  12.  When confronted with such questions, my mind goes ____, and I can hardly remember my own date of birth.

A.     dim            B. blank                C. faint             D. vain

  13. Evidently, there has been a ____ towards simpler style in women's dresses.  

A.  fashion         B. intend               C. tendency           D. trend     

  14. Some of the most important concepts in physics _____ their success to these mathematical systems.  

A. oblige          B. owe                  C. contribute            D. attribute  

  15. As your  instructor advised, you ought to spend your time on something __ researching into.  

A.  precious        B. worth               C. worthy             D. valuable  

  16. As we know, the satellite moves in the ____ space.  

A. external         B. outward             C. outside            D. outer 

  17.    One reason for the successes of Asian immigrants in the U. S. is that they have taken great ____ to educate their children.  

A.     efforts         B. pains             C. attempts          D. diligence  

  18. If any man here does not agree with me, he should ____ his own plan for improving the living conditions of these people.  

A.     put on          B. put out              C. put in            D. put forward  

  19. The meeting was ____ when the president fell ill.  

A.  put down       B. cut short            C. fall down            D. shut out  


A.     rise             B. reason               C. suspicion         D. impulse 

1.答案: C 要为自己的将来做打算,要预留足够的钱,上了年纪的时候用。

解析:supply: 提供,供给, assurance:担保,保证;保险, provision:供应,供给;防备(后接for),make provision: 预作安排, 为未来作打算, adjustment: 调整。 

2. 答案: A  众所周知, 在我国退休工人有权享受免费的医疗。 

解析:be entitled to: 有权享受,有权做,be involved in: 受到……牵连,参与到……当中,be associated with: 与......有联系 ,be assigned to: 被分派,被指派。

3. 答案: D  那个国家的人民的生活仍然受到战争的威胁。

解析:danger: 危险   stake: 股份;利害关系;赌金    loss: 损失   threat: 威胁 

4. 答案: D 我感到无聊之极因为我不知道主席在讲什么。 

解析:fatigued和tired都是“疲劳”、“疲惫”的意思, Exhausted:筋疲力尽, Bored:厌烦的。  

5. 答案: A  她现在身处困境,你的建议对她非常有价值。


6. 答案: B  人们希望垂直飞行的飞机和现在的飞机一样可以承载乘客。

解析:convince:使确信,使信服   anticipate:预期,期望    resolve:下决心,解决    assure:向…保证,使确信。  

7. 答案: A  尽管有很多阅读材料,或者是书面的,或者是为英语学习而改编的,但到现在还是没有关于阅读技巧的综合的系统的规划。

解析:adapt:改编,provide:提供,供给    assemble:组装,组合,appoint:委任,指派。 

8. 答案: C   母亲说如果晚饭之前他能写完作业的话,她就不让他刷盘子了。

解析:let down:放下,也常用做let sb down, 意思是“使失望” ,let alone:更不用说,更谈不上;let sb/sth alone是“对某人/某事放任不管” ,let off:宽恕,从轻处理,准许...暂停工作,let out:放出,释放。  

9. 答案: B 我们应该时刻牢记草率的决定经常会导致痛苦的后悔。 


10. 答案: A  约翰向书店的店员抱怨说字典里少了好几页。


11. 答案: D  过去大多数的林务员都是男性,但现如今,从事这个行业的女人越来越多。

解析:engage表示“从事,参加”时,后接介词in ,devote表示“从事,参加”时,后接介词to, register: 注册;挂号 ,pursue: 从事,进行,及物动词。  

12. 答案: B  面对这些困难时,我的大脑一片空白,我几乎记不起我自己的生日。

解析:dim:暗淡的,暗的 ,blank:空白的,无表情的,发呆的 ,faint:昏暗的,微弱的  


13.答案: D  很明显, 女人的服装已经出现简约的潮流。 

解析:fashion:时尚,款式  intend:打算   tendency:趋势   trend:潮流,倾向,时尚  


14. 答案: B  物理学中有些最重要的概念要归功于数学。

解析:这四个词都与介词to连用,他们的意思分别是:oblige:迫使…做某事   owe:归功于,contribute:为…做贡献,attribute:把…归因于,认为是…的结果。

15. 答案: B 正如你的老师所建议的,你应该把时间花在值得研究的东西上面。 

解析:该组词中,只有worth是介词,可后接动名词,意思是“值得做”。其他三个都是形容词, precious 和valuable都是“珍贵的,有价值的”意思, Worthy:值得的,常用的结构是“be worthy of sth”和“be worthy to do sth”。  

16. 答案: D 我们知道卫星在外太空运行。 

解析:outer space是指“外太空” , External:外面的,外观的,Outward:向外    Outside:在…的外面,在外边。  

17. 答案: B  

解析:此题是关于动词和名词搭配的问题。在这组词中,动词take只能与pains搭配。 Effort做“努力”之意时是不可数名词,所以efforts不能与take连用。take pains: 做出努力 。attempt:努力,尝试,企图。make an attempt to do sth diligence: 勤奋。  

18. 答案: D  

解析:put on:穿上,put out:出版,发表,扑灭,put in:提交,呈交,put forward:提出…供参考,建议。  

19. 答案: B  

解析:put down:放下,记下,cut short:中断,缩短, fall down:塌陷,shut out: 一般shut 不与out连用。  
转自:<a href='http://www.yuloo.com/zzy/gongshuo/'>在职攻硕招生网</a>

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