

来源: 在职研究生招生信息网 发布时间:2015-09-08 11:30:54


  1.She went to Europe on vacation but her happy time ended in when their hotel caught fire.

  A.tragedy B.crisis

  C.drama D.misfortune

  2.You could become a good musician,but your lack of practice is you .

  A.taking...over B.holding...back

  C.making...up D.leaving...out

  3.Retail sales volume in local urban and rural areas rose 57.8% and 46.8% last year.

  A.individually B.respectively

  C.correspondingly D.accordingly

  4.The managing director took the for the accident,although it was not really his fault.

  A.guilt B.blame

  C.charge D.accusation

  5.It is requested that all the students present at the meeting tomorrow.

  A.were B.will be

  C.are D.be


  In ancient Greek, the term euthanatos meant “easy death”. Today euthanasia (安乐死) generally refers to mercy killing,the voluntary (自愿) ending of the life of someone who is terminally ill.Like abortion,euthanasia has become a legal,medical,and moral issue over which opinion is divided.

  Euthanasia can be either active or passive.Active euthanasia means that a physician or other medical personnel takes an action that will result in death,such as giving an overdose of deadly medicine.Passive euthanasia means letting a patient die for lack of treatment,or stopping the treatment that has begun.Examples of passive euthanasia include taking patients off a breathing machine or removing other life-support systems.Stopping the food supply is also considered passive.

  A good deal of the debate about mercy killing originates from the decision-making process.Who decides whether a patient is to die? This issue has not been solved legally in the United States.The matter is left to state law, which usually allows the physician in charge to suggest the option of death to a patient’s relatives,especially if the patient is brain dead.In an attempt to make decisions about when their own lives should end, several terminally ill patients in the early 1990s used a controversial suicide device,developed by Dr. Jack Kevorkian, to end their lives.

  In parts of Europe, the decision-making process has become very flexible.Even in cases where the patients are not brain dead,patients have been put to death without their approval at the request of relatives or at the suggestion of physicians.Many cases of passive euthanasia involve old people or newborn infants. The principle justifying this practice is that such individuals have a “life not worthy of life”.

  In countries where passive euthanasia is not legal, the court systems have proved very tolerant in dealing with medical personnel who practice it.InJapan, for example, if physicians follow certain guidelines they may actively carry out mercy killings on hopelessly ill people. Courts have also been somewhat tolerant of friends or relatives who have assisted terminally ill patients to die.

  6.A terminally ill patient is one who .

  A.gets worse every day

  B.can never get well again

  C.is very seriously ill in the end

  D.is too ill to want to live on

  7.The difference between active and passive euthanasia is whether .

  A.there is an action that speeds up the death of the patient

  B.the breathing machine is taken off the patient

  C.an overdose of deadly medicine is used

  D.the patient is denied food supply

  8.According to the passage,who has/have the legal responsibility to decide on euthanasia?

  A.The national or state government.

  B.The patient’s relatives.

  C.Physicians in charge of the patient.

  D.The answer varies from country to country.

  9.The principle justifying passive euthanasia in Europeis that terminally ill patients are .

  A.living a life without consciousness

  B.living a life that can hardly be called life

  C.too old or too weak to live on

  D.too old or too young to approve of euthanasia

  10.The attitude of the writer toward euthanasia is .

  A.negative B.positive C.objective D.casual

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