1.Foreign investments in recent years have____ the growth of the local economy.
A) accelerated B) risen C) raised D) driven
2.Over a third of the population was estimated to have no____ to the health service.
A) assessment B) assignment C) exception D) access
3.The people living in these apartments have free_____ to that swimming pool.
A) access B) excess C) excursion D) recreation
4.There is no_____ to the house from the main road.
A) access B) avenue C)exposure D)edge
5.What sort of_____ can you get for the night in a city like this?
A) commission B)interaction C) recommendation D)accommodation
Questions 37 to 40 are based on the following passage:
Security and commodity exchanges are trading posts where people meet who wish to buy or sell. The exchanges themselves do no trading;they merely provide a place where prospective buyers and sellers can meet and conduct their business.
Wall Street, although the best known, is not the only home of exchanges in the United States. There are cotton exchanges in New Orleans and Chicago; the Mercantile Exchange, which deals in many farm products, in Chicago; and grain exchanges in many of the large cities of the Midwest. home exchanges, like the Chicago Board of Trade, provide market services for several kinds of products. These tradingposts where products may be bought or sold are called commodity exchanges.
The security exchanges, on the other hand, are meeting places where stocks and bonds are traded. Like the commodity exchanges , they help serve the economic life of t he country. But when their operations get out of hand, they may become very dangerous.In l929, the security exchanges,or stock market, contributed to a crash a sudden, sharp decline in the value of securities. Many people lost fortunes;many corporations were bankrupted; many workers lost their jobs. The Crash of l929 has been attributed to many causes, among them wild and unwise speculation by many people and dishonest practices on the part of some businessmen and of some members of the exchanges.
Today,however,investing through security exchanges and trading on commodity exchanges has been made safer by regulations set up by the exchanges themselves and by regulations of the United States government, In l922,the government instituted the Commodity Exchange Commission which operated through the Department of Agriculture; and in l934,the Securities and Exchanges Commission, to protect investors and the public against dishonest practices on the exchanges.
37.Security and commodity exchanges are meeting places for buyers and sellers of__________.
A. stocks B. grain C. securities D. all of these
38. Among the reasons for the Crash of 1929 were__________.
A. unwise speculation by many people
B. dishonest practices by some businessmen
C. strict regulations of the Commodity Exchange Commission
D. both A and B
39.1nvestinR in securities has been made safer by__________.
A. the Securities and Exchange Commission
B. the Commodity Exchange Commission
C. Chicago Board of Trade
D. Chicago Mercantile Exchange
40.Implies but not stated :______________.
A. Some exchanges provide market services for several kinds of products
B. The role of the government has been an important factor in curbing dishonest practices on the exchanges
C. Investing in securities is unwise
D. Buying and selling securities is dishonest
Section B
Directions:Read the following passage and then give short answers to the five questions. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
Hunting was origina11yameans of providing food, but it has now become a sport. Though in so-me parts of the world there are stil1 people who hunt wild animals to provide them selves with food, in England, hunting is as much a social activity as anything else.
A great many years ago, fishermen in Japan used birds to catch fish. This art of fishing is said to be at least a thousand years old and is mentioned in Japanese plays. Today, however, fishing in this way has simply become a sport,for the fisher men are not serious1y interested in catching fish.
On summer nights the fishing boats set out on rivers in various parts of the country, At the front of each boat there is an iron basket in which a wood fire is kept burning, As the graceful curved boats float past carried along by the current, these fires, dotted here and there, make bright patterns on the water. Steering down the river,the fishermen beat the sides of the boat to encourage the birds, and people out for an evening's entertainment either sit or lie on the floor of the boats drinking beer and sometimes even cooking a meal for themselves over the flames of the fire, This method of fishing demands great skill, for the fisherman has to handle three or four birds in one hand. A long piece of string is tied round the neck of each bird and the fisherman must take care to keep the birds separate from each other. Every so often, the birds are set free and they fly close to the water in search of fish. The moment a bird catches a fish in its beak it is pulled back on to the boat. The siring is held itght1y round the bird's throat to prevent it from swallowing the fish it has caught. When there do not seem to be many fish in the river, the fishermen can sometimes be seen secret1y throwing dead fish into the water for the birds to catch. No one really objects to this practice, as it is all part of this unusual sport.
41. What was the original purpose of hunting?
42. In which season of the year do the fishing boats set out?
43. What do the fishermen do to encourage the birds?
44. What is tied round the neck of each bird?
45.What does the fisherman do after the bird catches a fish?
PART Ⅲ cloze(10%)
Directions : choose the right,word for each b1ank from the list giver below. Make changes, if necessary.
come rare anxiety alarm glimpse nervous behaviour horror about grateful supply satisfaction awake in sleep
The strange behaviour of sleepwalkers has puzzled the police and scientists for centuries. There is a sufficient 46 of stories about sleepwalkers, who have been said to solve mathematical problems, do
shopping and take a swim. In 47 cases, sleep. walking is used as an excuse for some radical 48 .
Is the sleepwalker actual1y 49 or asleep?Scientists have decided that he is half-and-half.A sleepwalker can walk 50 his sleep, move around, and do other, but he does not think 51 what he is doing.
The only way to cure sleepwalking is to remove the worries and 52 that cause it. So far, no 53 explanations have ever been found. The simplest one is that it is the acting out of a dream. The dream usually54 from horror, terror, guilt, sorrow or 55 .
Although sleepwalking itself is nothing to become alarmed about,the problems that cause the sleepwalking may be very serious.
PART Ⅳ English-Chinese Translation(15%) Directions :Read the fo11owing passage careful1y. Then translate it into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.
Real recreation is something which not only gives us pleasure, but also helps to renew, or recreate, mind and the body. Therefore, the kind of recreation we engage in is important to us all.It becomes increasingly important as machines take over more of our work. Today's man spends fewer hours earning his living than he did fifty or one hundred years ago. The trend toward shorter working hours continues,Thus,man finds himself with more and more time for recreation, If he pends his time wisely, he can greatly enrich his life. His recreation can help him to discover new talents and to improve himself both physically and mentally.
PART Ⅴ writing(15%)
Directions :For this part, you are asked to write a 1etter about buying a book from publishing house. You are given the outline in Chinese。 Your part Of the composition should be about l20 words. Remember to write clearly. You should write this composition on the Answer Sheet.