MBA英语写作经常是困扰MBA考生的一个障碍,且是他们容易丢分的一个项目。在MBA联考英文考试中,作文的分数为20分, 占总分的20%。上海华宏MBA培训中心周老师从历年英文考试的实际情况看,MBA考生的英语作文相对于英语考试的其他几个部分,得分一直偏低。经过观察、分析和研究,我们认为广大考生在这一方面的困扰主要源于他们在英文写作的认知上存在明显的误区以及由此带来的心理障碍,这种认识上的偏差和心理上的障碍严重地妨碍了他们写作水平的提高。在不少人看来,写作是一种深不可测的智力活动,他们认为写作一定就是灵感的产物,或是将要说的话变成书面的东西。华宏MBA周老师说基于这种认识,再加上对英语语言无把握,考生在时间和心理压力很大的情况下进行英文写作时,经常会显得手足无措。
3.道地:how much Chinglish
【Sample 1】
a. Reading makes us happy.
b. Reading is a major source of human happiness.
c. There is no doubt that reading is a major source of human happiness.
【Sample 2】
a. The Internet is very important in our lives and work.
b. The Internet is playing an increasingly important role in practically every aspect of our lives and work.
c. It is obvious that the Internet is playing an increasingly important role in practically every aspect of our lives and work.
1. Many rivers are so seriously polluted that there is no fish nor clean water can be found.
2. Teachers play such an important role in education that their social status should be improved.
3. She spent much less time studying than before, which is quite typical of senior students.
4. In many IT companies where people work mainly with their brains, more attention must be given to sports
5. One essential difference between those who succeed and those who fail is the extent to which they take advantage of opportunities rather than the number of opportunities.
6. Teenagers, pressured by school] work and encouraged by their peers, often resort to smoking like adults, though they feel a little guilty at times.
7. Nuclear plants are a clean and economical way of producing vast amounts of much-needed energy, though people, especially local residents, who are very concerned about safety, hold a strong negative attitude toward them.
8. Despite soaring tuition fees and room-and-board charges, getting their children into college continues to be the goal of millions of Chinese people who think higher education will bring them a good job.
9. The US fast-food business, one of the most advanced in the world, has brought China benefits that go beyond providing consumers with more choice.
10-a. The pressure of land is forcing more homes to be built on the land once covered with trees and farmland.
10-b. Natural vegetation and even farmland is removed to make room for more houses due to the scarcity of land.
Directions: Learn to develop.
Living in city center is becoming is becoming not attractive. The first reason is that the house price keeps increasing, so more and more people can’t buy apartment house in the city center and have to move to the suburbs. The second reason is that the city is full of traffic, it is noisy and dirty.
It is obvious that living in the city center is becoming less attractive. For one thing, the soaring prices of housing in the city centers force more and more people to move to the suburbs, as they cannot afford to live in downtown. For another, the city centers – now full of petrol fumes and toxic gases, and torn by the roar of buses and lorries – are increasingly perceived as undesirable in the eyes of working people.