
科罗拉多大学教授 Wounjhang Park 学术交流 系列讲座

来源: 在职研究生招生信息网 发布时间:2014-06-17 16:25:37

  长春理工大学在职研究生频道讯:科罗拉多大学教授 Wounjhang Park 学术交流 系列讲座将于近期在本校就行,下面是相关介绍。


  时间:6.16(周一) 14:00-15:30 讲座

  题目:Principles and Applications of Surface Plasmon Nanophotonics



  Storing a significant fraction of energy in electron gas, surface plasmon offers a highly effective mechanism for strong localization and enhancement of light. Naturally there has been extensive research worldwide for their applications in various aspects of photonics and optics. In this talk, three examples of latest research interest will be discussed. First, complex plasmonic nanostructures can exhibit strong near-field interaction among plasmon modes, leading to strongly hybridized modes analogous to the formation of molecular orbitals by the hybridization of atomic orbitals. This process can result in novel phenomena such as the Fano resonance. The study of mode hybridization not only sets up for a deeper understanding of optical interactions in nanostructures but also shows promise for applications in, for example, sensing. Second, plasmonic nanostructures can make a significant impact on solar energy conversion devices. In particular, plasmon enhancement can make the spectrum engineering by frequency upconversion a feasible approach for significantly improving photovoltaic device efficiencies. Finally, plasmonic nanomaterials can enable a new therapeutic approach with high specificity. We will show the latest results on the application of plasmonics on the treatment of bladder cancer.

  6.17(周二) 9:00-10:30 系列讲座(1)

  Theoretical foundation of nanophotonics 光子学理论基础

  6.18(周三) 9:00-10:30 系列讲座(2)

  photonic crystals 光子晶体

  6.19(周四) 9:00-10:30 系列讲座(3)

  surface plasmon 表面等离子激元

  6.20(周五) 9:00-10:30 师生座谈或合作的可能

  Wounjhang Park简历


  男, 1967年生,博士,科罗拉多大学副教授,从事纳米光子学器件的开发研究,主要包括纳米光子学器件的数学建模、纳米结构的合成、制备和表征及新的光学现象研究。研究内容包括表面等离子激元(Surface Plasmon)、光学隐身(Invisibility Cloak)、等离子“分子”(Plasmonic Molecules)、表面增强光伏特性(Plasmon-Enhanced Photovoltaics)和纳米医学(Nano-Medicine)等。


  1. 1993/09-1997/07 Georgia Institute of Technology,物理专业,博士

  2. 1989/02-1993/02 Seoul National University ,物理专业,本科


  1. 2008 – Present, ECEE, University of Colorado at Boulder,副教授

  2. 2006 – Present, University of Colorado Cancer Center,研究员

  3. 2005 – 2006, University of Colorado Cancer Center,副研究员

  4. 2001 – 2008, ECEE, University of Colorado at Boulder,讲师

  5. 1998 – 2001, Georgia Tech Research Institute,助理研究员

  6. 1997 – 1998, Georgia Tech Research Institute,博士后


  1、N. Azarova, A. J. Ferguson, J. van de Lagemaat, E. Rengnath, W. Park, J. C. Johnson, “Strong coupling between a molecular charge-transfer exciton and surface plasmons in a nanostructured metal grating”, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4, 2658-2663 (2013).

  2、D. Lu, E. Rengnath, Y. Cui, Z. Wang, Y. Ding, and W. Park, "Interaction of two plasmon modes in the organic photovoltaic devices with patterned back-electrode”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 241114 (2013).

  3、W. Park, K. Emoto, Y. Jin, A. Shimizu, V. A. Tamma, and W. Zhang, “Cage Molecule Mediated Self-Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles for Optical Metamaterials”, Optical Materials Express 3, 205-215 (2013).

  4、V. A. Tamma, Y. Cui and W. Park, “Scattering reduction at optical frequencies using plasmonic nanostructures”, Optics Express 21, 1041-1056 (2013).

  5、V. A. Tamma, Y. Cui, J. Zhou and W. Park, “Nanorod orientation dependence of tunable Fano resonance in plasmonic nanorod heptamers”, Nanoscale 5, 1592-1602 (2013).

  6、E. Dudley and W. Park, "Ultra-Compact High-Speed Electro-Optic Switch Utilizing Hybrid Metal-Silicon Waveguides”, J. Lightwave Technol. 30, 3401-3406 (2012).

  7、X. Yu, C. J. Summers, and W. Park, “Controlling Energy Transfer Processes and Engineering Luminescence Efficiencies with Low Dimensional Doping”, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 073524 (2012).

  8、Y. Cui, J. Zhou, V. A. Tamma, and W. Park, “Mechanical Tuning and Symmetry Lowering of Fano Resonance in Plasmonic Nanostructure”, ACS Nano 6, 2385–2393 (2012)

  9、A. Agrawal, W. Park and R. Piestun, “Negative Permeability with Arrays of Aperiodic Silver Nanoclusters”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 083109 (2012).


  1. W. Park, "Modeling of photonic crystals", in Handbook of Theoretical and

  Computational Nanotechnology Vol. 7, ed. by M. Rieth and W. Schommers

  (American Scientific Publishers, Stevenson Ranch, CA, 2006), pp. 263-327.

  2. W. Park, "Negative Refractive Index", in Encyclopedia of Materials:

  Science and Technology, ed. by K. H. Jurgen Buschow, Robert W. Cahn, Merton

  C. Flemings, Bernard Ilschner (print), Edward J. Kramer, Subhash Mahajan, and

  Patrick Veyssiere (updates), (Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 2010), pp. 1-6.

  3. J. H. Lee, J. Xue, W. Park, and A. Mickelson, "Surface Plasmon Polariton

  Waveguides In Nonlinear Optical Polymer" in Organic Thin Films for Photonics

  Applications, ed. by W. Herman, S. R. Flom and S. H. Foulger (American

  Chemical Society, 2010), pp. 67-83.


  1. Provost's Faculty Achievement Award (2012)

  2. Dean's Faculty Fellowship (2011)

  3. Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Senior Fellowship in Cancer Nanotechnology

  Research (2008)

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